Traditional Backup Vs. Hyper Backup

November 12, 2021

Traditional Backup Vs. Hyper Backup

As technology advances, we are creating more data than ever before. As a result, it's becoming increasingly important to backup and protect our data. Two popular backup methods are Traditional Backup and Hyper Backup. This blog post will provide a factual and unbiased comparison between the two methods to help you decide which one is right for you.

Traditional Backup

Traditional backup is a method of data storage that involves copying data from one device to another. It involves creating a copy of all data and storing it on backup media like tapes, disks, or the cloud. This method is usually performed periodically, like weekly, monthly or quarterly. Traditional backup is simple, cheap, and effective if done regularly.

However, traditional backup has downsides too. It can be time-consuming, and it requires manual intervention for each backup process. Also, it is based on full backups of all data, which means that it takes up more storage space than necessary.

Hyper Backup

Hyper Backup is a newer backup method that is based on incremental backups. It is an advanced form of backup that is designed for modern data storage systems, including NAS (Network Attached Storage). A NAS server is a dedicated device that serves files to client computers through a network connection.

Hyper Backup involves creating a backup of changes made since the last backup. Unlike traditional backup, which requires full backups of all data, Hyper Backup only needs to backup data changes. This means that Hyper Backup requires less storage capacity, making it more cost-efficient.

Additionally, Hyper Backup has a task scheduler that automatically initiates the backup process without manual intervention.


The table below outlines the comparison between Traditional Backup and Hyper Backup.

Traditional Backup Hyper Backup
Backup duration Longer Faster
Intervention required Manual Automatic
Backup frequency Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly Continuous
Backup method Full Backup Incremental Backup
Storage space usage More Less


Both Traditional Backup and Hyper Backup have their advantages and disadvantages. Traditional Backup is simple and cheap, but it requires regular manual intervention and takes more storage capacity. On the other hand, Hyper Backup is automatic, fast and only needs to backup data changes, making it more cost-effective.

When deciding which backup method to use, it's essential to consider your needs, the amount of data, and the frequency at which you need to backup.


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